An Ant's Ass is a public service blog* from:
ChaliceMedia LLC, Denver Colorado (secure contact link:
As part of our day-to-day activities we run across many solicitations, offers, and obvious scams that prove to us that, while that for some the only appropriate adjective is "burdensome," a little regulation here and there is not only a nice protection but a necessity.
With the exception of the allegedly offending companies (who are actual providers - through postal mail, email, or recorded messages - of all documents published on these pages) all names, addresses, and other personally identifying information is redacted by a combination of physical removal from image file, or pixelation to the point of unreadability.
Thanks for dropping by.
ChaliceMedia LLC
*Regarding advertising on this website, we chose Blogger for a number of reasons as an appropriate venue for this information. Since Google provides the service for free, we have included related advertising. Please visit if you have questions.