Monday, April 1, 2013

Today's Butt Chap

Don't companies who try to sell you shit under the guise of being a government agency really chap your behind?

Just take a close look at the redacted mail piece below our beautiful official female butt-chap human.

Don't worry, I'm not going to bite her... it's not even me, it's a tattoo. Whoda thunk it? Tattooing an ant on your behind.

This piece of caca is obviously targeted at overwhelmed small business people and harried clerical departments.

Open this up....

and you get something that looks like a government invoice and an orderform for $19.95 and $5.95 postage and handling.

When on the State of Colorado government website they are FREE, either by download or by mail.

OK, one sort-of pseudo defense for the people who sent this out, there are lots of people who charge more, much more --- but their mailings don't look like they come from an official government agency.

Bite you later...
Asterisk A. Ant, Esq.
P.S. Thought about calling these posts Today's Bite on the Butt... but thought some people might be offended at that. Let me know what you think? Majority rules.

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I've been -- um -- out of the picture for a while... I'd really appreciate any thoughts you have as I start ramping things up.